How to use a soldering iron.
1. Prepare a work space. Lay down a mat
or piece of cardboard that will catch any solder that you drip.
2. Warm your soldering iron. If
your soldering iron is electric, you’ll need to allow it to warm up on its
stand. If your soldering iron runs on butane, as Master Appliance soldering
irons do, fill it with gas holding the unit firmly with the refill nozzle
pointed upwards and press down. Gas will overflow from nozzle when tank is
3. Secure the items you are soldering.
It helps to have an extra hand while you are soldering. We suggest using a vise
or frame to secure your work.
4. Clean your soldering iron. Because
soldering irons get so hot, they oxidize and become dirty quickly. They key to
reliable connections is clean components so make sure that your soldering tip
and parts you are joining are clean. To accomplish this, pass the tip of your
soldering iron on a wet sponge until it shines.
5. Apply flux. In soldering it
often becomes necessary to use materials called fluxes to help remove oxides
and keep them absent while you solder. Flux needs to melt at a temperature
lower than solder so that it can do its job prior to the soldering action.
There are different methods to apply flux. The method you choose will be
dependent on the items you are soldering.
6. Tin your soldering iron. If you want
to know everything there is to know about how to use a soldering iron, you’ll
need to know how to tin. Tinning is the process of coating a soldering tip with
a thin coat of solder. Melt a thin layer of solder on your iron’s tip. This
aids in heat transfer between the tip and the component you are soldering, and
also gives the solder a base from which to flow from. This process may
need to be repeated as you solder. You will only touch the tip of the soldering
iron to the solder when you tin. Do not touch the tip of the iron to the solder
while you are actually soldering.
7. Start soldering. Hold the soldering
iron like you would a pen in the hand you write with and the solder in the
8. Place the tip of the
soldering iron tip. The tip needs to touch both the wire lead and the
surface so they achieve the same temperature.
9. Feed solder onto the
joint after you have heated the area for two to three seconds. Touch the
solder to the side of the connection opposite the soldering iron. Then, let the
solder flow only until the connection is covered.
10. Remove the solder first. Then,
remove the iron. Make sure the joint remains stationary while it
11. Evaluate. A smooth, shiny
and volcano shaped joint is what you are looking for. If this isn’t what you
see, you’ll need to reheat and feed in more solder.
12. Remove leftover flux with a
commercial flux cleaner.
Using a heat sink
There are some components (i.e transistors) that can be damaged by the heat
that soldering produces. If you are new to soldering, it’s good idea to use a
heat sink clipped to the lead between the joint and the component’s body. A
cheaper alternative is a standard crocodile clip.
- DO NOT lay a soldering iron down on any surface. A soldering iron should either be placed on a stand or sealed with a heat resistant cap after every use. Note: Master Appliance's line of soldering irons is butane powered. All of our irons come with heat protective caps.
- Soldering should be completed in a well ventilated area.
- Lead is present in most solders. Be sure to wash your hands after your project, or better yet wear gloves.
- The tip of a soldering iron is very hot. Contact with the tip of a soldering iron would result in a nasty burn.
- Your soldering iron will perform better if kept clean. A damp sponge can be used to clean residue caused by flux material. A very small skim of flux should be applied to the iron after the cleaning.
- To be well educated on how to use a soldering iron, you will need to practice. Visit our blog often as we will continue to provide educational materials on heat tools and heat tool applications.
Materials for Soldering
- Master Appliance Soldering Iron
- Modeler’s Vise or Frame
- Solder
- Damp Sponge
- Flux to remove oxides
Soldering Iron को कैसे Use करे –
- Soldering Iron Stand के पास मे हमेशा गीलाSolder Cleaning Spongeरखे ताकि Soldering Iron को आसानी व जल्दी से साफ किया जा सके ।
- Soldering Ironको हमेशा सॉल्डरिंग आयरन स्टैण्ड में ही रखे । Soldering Iron के पॉवर बटन को On करने से पहले व बंद करने के बाद उसे यहाँ वहाँ ना रखकर Soldering Iron Stand में ही रखे
- Soldering Iron का पॉवर बटनON करे ।
- Soldering Iron के पॉवर बटनON करने के बाद कुछ सैकैण्ड क्षणो के लिये गर्म होने दे ।
- थोड़ेSolder वायर को Soldering Iron की Tip पर ले । फौरन हीSoldering Wire पिघलने लगे तो मतलब Soldering करने के लिये तैयार है । अब सॉल्डरिंग करे ।
- Soldering Ironसे Soldering करने से पहले या बाद में Tip को गीलेSolder Cleaning Sponge में रखकर साफ कर दे ।
PCB पर Solder कैसे करे – How to solder on mobile pcb in mobile repairing
Soldering Iron को पेन की तरह से हाथ में पकड़े । लेकिन ध्यान रखेSoldering Iron की आगे की Tip व लोहे वाले भाग को कभी भी हाथ से ना छुये । क्योकि Soldering Iron के ये भाग बहुत ही गर्म होते है ।
जहाँ पर Solder करना चाहते है उस भाग या Part पर थोडा सा Soldering Paste लगा दे।
Solder Wire को Soldering Iron के नीचे रखकर Tip से थोड़ा सा ले ।
अब मोबाइल फोन की PCB के Copper वाले भाग पर जिस पार्टस को PCBपर Solder करना चाहते है उसके और PCB के पॉइंटस को आपस में Solderकर दे । ध्यान से गौर कर ले कि Solder किये गये पार्ट की Solderingअन्य पार्ट से टच ना हो ।
Soldering Iron से की गई Soldering चमकीली और अच्छे आकार में होनी चाहिये ।
गर्म Soldering Iron को लम्बे समय Mobile Phone की PCB Track से टच करके ना रखे Soldering हो जाने के बाद तुरन्त हटा दे । यदि Solder Wire को PCB पर Solder होने वाले भाग पर रखकरSoldering करते है तो Solder Wire पिघलने के तुरन्त बाद Soldering Ironको हटा दे । लम्बे समय तक हॉट Soldering Iron को PCB पर एक स्थान पर रखने से पार्टस Damage हो सकता है या हो सकता है कि वो Soldering Iron से चिपके कर नष्ट हो सकता है
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