Mobile Phone Card Level Parts - Info
मोबाइल फोन में Card
Level पार्टस-
मोबाइल बॉडी का अगला भाग (Fascia) - Front Facia or Facial: This is the front cover or housing of any mobile phone. These are of different shapes and sizes depending upon brand and model.
मोबाइल बॉडी का पिछला भाग (Back Fascia) - Back Facia or Facial: This is the Back cover or housing of any mobile phone. These are of different shapes and sizes depending upon brand and model.
मोबाइल की इन्टरनल बॉडी (Internal Fascia) - Internal Facia or Facial: This is the internal skeleton of a mobile phone
किपेड बटन (Keypad Button) - It is connected to the keypad carbon to enter numbers to make phone calls and other data.
कैमरा कन्नेक्टर (Camera Connector)
चार्जिंग कन्नेक्टर (Charging Connector)
किपेड कार्बन (Keypad Carbon)
मैमोरी कार्ड कन्नेक्टर (Memory Card Connector)
किपेड कन्नेक्टर (Keypad
सिम कार्ड कन्नेक्टर (Sim Card Connector)
USB (डाटा केबल) कन्नेक्टर (USB Connector)
हैड़फोन कन्नेक्टर (Headphone Connector)